
Vehicle production and destruction can have a high environmental footprint. This is primarily due to the greenhouse gas emissions of the energy required to extract and process primary materials such as coal and iron ore (for steel), bauxite (for aluminium), copper and oil (for plastics). In addition, the increasing use of sophisticated and composite materials poses particular challenges for dismantling, reusing and recycling end-of-life vehicles.

Producer Responsibility

The current UK Producer Responsibility Scheme for ELV has been in place since 2003.

DAERA is working with officials across the UK to reform the current system with the aim of moving towards an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model, where producers would be responsible for the full net costs of managing their products. The aim is to facilitate the transition of the automotive sector to the circular economy, at all stages of the vehicle - from initial design through to final treatment at end-of-life.

Further details on ELV reforms will be made available on the DAERA website.

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